Window Signwriting

Here is a small selection of some of the signs I have done over the years. Signwriting was my introduction to verre églomisé.

It is traditional to use gold leaf for high quality sign work. When I began learning this trade in the early 1980's, mastery of gold leaf techniques was one of my goals. I always loved the effect it adds to a fine sign on a shop window.

I was fortunate enough to learn at a time when gilding was still considered an important part of the sign industry and there was greater emphasis on acquiring brush skills. Gradually gold leaf has become marginalized as the industry moves increasingly closer to digital printing. There is however still an important place for the art of signwriting. There will always be a market for high quality gold leaf signwork for shop windows and storefronts as it remains unsurpassed for visual impact.

You may note that there are often two finishes used in gold lettering. The bright (mirror) finish and the matt finish. They work well together and provide additional visibility because they reflect light differently.

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